Village Baptist Church
Links to Some Past Activities

Pastor Bruce Salmon Retires
Christmas Eve 17 6
Christmas Season 2017
Homecoming 2017
Homecoming 2017

A Capella Choir 

Archived home page as of December, 2017


Dr. Bruce Salmon, Retired Pastor
Bruce Salmon was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. He grew up in Broadway Baptist Church, making his profession of faith in Christ and being baptized at age 11. He went to Baylor University where he majored in English. While in college he served as Minister to Youth at Seventh and James Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and was licensed to the ministry by his home church, Broadway in Fort Worth.

After graduating from Baylor with a Bachelor of Arts in 1973, Bruce enrolled in The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. While in seminary Bruce was a pastoral intern at Crescent Hill Baptist Church, which ordained him to the Gospel Ministry. He earned the Master of Divinity in 1976, and was called to the Montgomery Hills Baptist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland as Associate Pastor. Bruce returned to Southern Seminary to earn the Doctor of Ministry, graduating in 1985. Earlier that year he was called to Village Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland as Pastor. In 1991 Bruce received the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Bowie State University, in conjunction with the Washington Pastoral Counseling Service.

Bruce is author of the book Storytelling in Preaching, and various journal articles, including “Preaching without a Net,” originally published in Preaching magazine and now available online. Bruce is a member of the Commission on Evangelism of the Baptist World Alliance.

Bruce is married to Linda and they are the parents of two grown children. Their daughter Amy lives in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and their son Marc lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife Stacey and their daughter Ford.

Bruce is an avid golfer, movie buff, sports enthusiast, and traveler. He enjoys Broadway musicals, museums, classical music, currents events, and spending time with his family.  He retired as Pastor of Village Baptist Church on December 31, 2017.

Celebrating Pastor Star's 4th Anniversary at Village
Pastor Star 4th 1

                        Dancers 2016 2
The Youth Dance Ensemble - Sept. 25, 2017

Summer Mission Program - Children of Mine Youth Center

VBS logo 2017
Vacation Bible School
July 24-28, 2017

Cameroon banner
Presentation of a banner from a church in Cameroon.   More HERE

Passover Seder at Village - click HERE

Christmas Season at Village 2016 - click HERE

Carmella Jones
December 4 - Visit by Rev. Carmella Jones, missionary to Hungary.  Podcast HERE

Gourley Visit by Dr. Bruce Gourley, Executive Director of the Baptist History and Heritage Society.  Link HERE

Dancers -
                Something in the Water
Dance with the song, "Something in the Water"
Visit our Facebook page for video.

Youth Dancers 2016 2
The Youth Dance Ensemble - Sept. 25

family fun day 3
Family Fun Day (click here)

VBS 2016 finale
Vacation Bible School 2016,  July 11-15

Bunaciu 1
Visit by Rev. Dr. Otniel Bunaciu, founder of the Ruth School - June 26, 2016

Youth Sunday - June 19, 2016

Malawi project
On June 5, the Missions Commission announced our summer mission project - Watering Malawi

VBC 45
Celebrating 45 years as a church

VBC Dance Ensemble
The Village dance ensemble presented "Jesus Has Given" on May 15, Pentecost Sunday 

                    Night Youth 2016
The Youth Group helped prepare food for our guests participating in the Warm Nights program.

        March 2016
Photo by Marion Shipman
The Palm Sunday cantata, "Canticle of the Cross," featured the choir and guest musicians.  The podcast can be found HERE.

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Podcast of the sermon by our pastors HERE

Read Pastor Salmon's Tribute to James Dunn
(former interim pastor of Village)

Dunn retirement
Pastor Salmon and Linda with James Dunn at his retirement.
Also see THIS PAGE about the Dunns visit to Village in 2004.

Vacation Bible School 2015
EVEREST: Conquering Challenges
with God's Mighty Power!

Watch the VBS slides (m4v file)

Read Pastor Star's Tribute to Freedom, presented on July 5, 2015

Village Picnic Sunday and Graduate Recognition

Read Pastor Star's Tribute to Mothers, presented on Mother's Day 2015

Youth Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Village Youth Group led both worship services.

Podcasts of these services:

March 22, 2015, (26 MB) Youth Sunday, Early Service

March 22, 2015, (29 MB) Youth Sunday, Late Service

 New Members 2015
Eight new members joined Village on January 25, 2015

Tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,  January 18, 2015

Chistmas Eve 2014
Christmas at Village, 2014 - link HERE

Stop Hunger Now
Stop Hunger Now, Sept. 13 - Packaging 20,000 meals in less than 3 hours

VBS 2014 end
Watch the VBS 2014 Photos Video

Vacation Bible School - Click Here

Easter children
Children's Choir Singing on Easter, 2014

VBC charter members
Homecoming, Oct. 12 - Recognizing the Six Charter Members of Village Who Are Still Active

Oratorio Society

Christian Oratorio Society of Greater Washington, D.C.   Sat. Aug. 30


The Three Pastors
, Sunday, July 27

June 22, 2014, (40 MB) Sermon: "Sharing in the Gospel," with Guest Elizabeth Samandi 

July 20, 2014, (36 MB) Sermon by Rev. Dr. Henry Mugabe: "Zacchaeus: A Saint?"

Pastor Star's Fourth of July Poem
"Jesus: A Tribute to Freedom"

Pastor Star's Tribute to Fathers "He Carries"

 Celebration Singers
Celebration Singers Concert - Podcast HERE
Pastor Star's Tribute to Mothers "She Carries"

Dr. Gaffney
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
(hear the podcast HERE)


Youth Sunday - March 23, 2014

Christmas Eve
  Christmas Eve at Village
- 2013

McNeill key
Pastor Salmon welcomes our new Associate Pastor,
Rev. Starlette McNeill*

Singapore group
The youth group as they prepared to leave for Singapore

Village Youth Trip to Singapore 2013

Walk for homeless

Village Baptist group for the local
Walk for the Homeless

Youth Sunday - April 21

Guest Preacher from Cameroon

Christmas Eve 2012 11Christmas Eve 2012

Cantata 2012Christmas Cantata 2012

Youth Christmas
                      2012Christmas Cantata

The choir singing at the Navy-Army
cross country meet, in honor of Ron Knode

35-Year Service Recognition
for Gloria Newton,
our church secretary

Jubilee 6
Jubilee Majestic Concert Choir

Visitors from Cameroon

Easter Youth
Easter morning singing

2012 Vacation Bible School

MalloyPhoto: Marion Shipman
Guest Preacher, Feb. 19, 2012:
Rev. Dr. C.J. Malloy, Jr.

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve

Christmas Musical 2011
Christmas Musical

Halloween Party

Seafood Feast

Vacation Bible School
Photos Here

Visitors from Cameroon

Youth Sunday - June 19, 2011

Children's Church

Celebration Singers

Church Picnic

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day

Last Supper
On Maundy Thursday,
Village presented a re-enactment
of the Last Supper
(click on the image for a larger version)

                  Dancers Jan. 2011
Youth Dance Ensemble at Youth Sunday - January 2011
(click on photo for larger image)

Caroling 2010
Christmas Caroling 2010

Dancers Feb. 2011
Worship Dance Ensemble  (click for larger image)

Christmas Eve

Christmas Specials by Children, Youth, and Adults

Christmas Carol Sing


Visit by Cameroon Baptist Women's Union

Talent Show

Halloween Party

Vacation Bible School 2010
Some photos from VBS

Youth Sunday Worship Service

July 4 Special Guest

Easter Party 2010

Village to Village Mission Program

Habitat for Humanity


Palm Sunday

Memorial Day

Neville Callam 2
Special Guest:
Rev. Neville Callam,
General Secretary,
Baptist World Alliance

Youth Sunday - January

Memorial Brick Dedication

(Video by Marion Shipman)

Christmas Eve - 2009

Christmas Cantata - 2009

A Charlie Brown Christmas - 2009

Christmas for the Critters - 2009

Jubilee Majestic Choir

Vacation Bible School 2009

Short Video of Youth Dancers (13 MB)

Youth Sunday 2009

Habitat for Humanity

Laser Tag

Easter 2009

Easter Party

Bell Choir

Daniel Vestal
Daniel Vestal, CBF Executive Coordinator, was the guest preacher on Sunday, March 29.

Youth Dance Ensemble

Christmas Eve 2008
Christmas Eve 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Presentation of 40th Anniversary Proclamations

Halloween Party

Visit by Bonnie Dixon of Journey Partners

Ice creamYouth group ice cream party and planning session

Tea Social

Vacation Bible School 2008

Visit by CBF Artists

Children at Easter 2008
Children's choir at Easter 2008

Christmas Season

Christmas Caroling

Project Linus

Music Appreciation Sunday

Fall 2007 Missions Trips

Visit by Dr. Denton Lotz

Vacation Bible School - 2007

Memorial Garden Dedication

Deacon Ordination - 2004

Donuts with Dad and Special Friends

Mother's Day Tea Party

Missions Trip 2007

Secretary Recognition

Palm Sunday and Easter

Easter Party

Jesus Loves Me Party

Warm Nights Program

Observance for Martin Luther King, Jr.

Christmas Season Activities - 2006

Missionary Guest


Cleanup Day

Pumpkin Party

Children's Thanksgiving Baskets


CBF Gypsy Cluster Visitors

Children's Church banner

Vacation Bible School 2006

Mission Trip

Summer at Village

Church Picnic

Visitors from Zimbabwe

Easter Season

Visit by Dr. Stan Hastey

Snow Feb. 2006
February Snowstorm.   Photo by Joel and Linda Smith

Christmas Activities 2006

Visitor from India

Homecoming 2005

Clean-up Day

Vacation Bible School 2005

Church Picnic

History of Village Baptist Church

Missions Fair

Baptist World Aid Tsunami Relief

Children's Easter Party

Youth Retreat in Ocean City

Dedication of Memorial Gifts

Visitor from Sri Lanka

Easter 2005

Warm Nights Program for Homeless

Pastor's 20th Anniversary

Christmas Worship Activities - 2004

Shoebox Ministry

Christmas Carol Sing - 2004

Youth Group Laser Tag Outing

Worship Dance Ensembles (Adult and Youth)

Youth Group Thanksgiving Basket Project


Men's Prayer Breakfast

Clean-Up Day

Homecoming Sunday

Women's Retreat

Vacation Bible School 

Missons Trip

Visit by James and Marilyn Dunn

Fourth of July

Square Dance

Celebration Singers

Wall of Remembrance Dedication

Easter 2004

Visitors from Zimbabwe

Business Meeting

Baptist World Aid to Earthquake Victims in Iran

Children's Christmas Party - 2003

Christmas Eve Service - 2003

Christmas Music Program - 2003

Visit by Robbie and James Francovich

First Anniversary of the New Building

Village Bazaar -2003

Children's Halloween Party- 2003

Missions Trip - 2003

Bowie Worships

Visit by Paul Montacute, Director of Baptist World Aid

Photos from Vacation Bible School 2003

Easter Party - 2003

Dedication Service - December 1, 2002

First Day in the New Building - November 10, 2002

Rebuilding and Moving after the Fire

Women's Retreat - April 12-13, 2002

Village Benefit Golf Tournament - May 14, 2001

Fire at Village - January 8, 2000

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