Rebuilding Village Baptist Church after a Fire
More News about the Fire at Village
For pictures from the cleanup work - click here

September 23, 2001 New walls for the sanctuary and the west wing
Framing for some of the rooms in the education wing.

January, 2002. The new sanctuary is partially under roof. 
The location for the stained glass window can be seen 
in the back
Village rebuilding Feb. 16, 2002: February 16, 2002.  Walls and roof for the west wing and new fellowship hall are in place. The slab has been poured for the new church offices.
Village inside sanctuary
February 23, 2002 View from inside the sanctuary. 
Village fellowship hall
New fellowship hall, looking toward the kitchen.

 March 8.  Volunteers sorting bricks for re-use. 
rebuild March 23: March 23. Continued construction.
village rebuilding
  March 31, 2002 (Easter). Additional work on the roof.
rebuilding april
April 14, 2002.  Brickwork on the fellowship hall.
rebuild april - 2
Roofing and close-in of the entrance.
April 30.  Installing the new steeple (photos by Linda Salmon)

rebuild may 11 windows
May 11.  New windows.
rebuild may 11 door/window
Interior view of the front entryway.

May 25.  The formal installation of the new cornerstone was led by The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Maryland.  Pastor Bruce Salmon stands next to the old and new cornerstones.
Follow this link for more pictures.

June 21, 2002. Baptistry area of sanctuary. 
Drywall work for the hall in the education wing

nursery drywall
July 11, 2002. New nursery, with bathroom and half door. 
fellowship drywall
         Fellowship hall looking toward the kitchen. 

Sanctuary Aug. 8
August 8, 2002.  Drywall in the sanctuary.
Village sanctuary - paint
September 7.  Painting nearly complete
Sept. 21 sanctuary
Sept. 21, 2002.  Pews and lighting in the sanctuary. 
Sept 21 fellowship
Flooring, cabinets, lights in the fellowship hall. 
landscaping- front
Sept. 22, 2002. Landscaping.  Note that the access ramp for those with disabilities is within the landscaped area. 
Front of the fellowship hall.
moving in 1
Sept. 28, 2002.  Starting to move into the building. 
moving in 2
Moving through the sanctuary. 
cleanup landscaping
Landscaping volunteers. 
cleanup chairs
Cleaning donated chairs. 

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Latest update: November 10, 2002, the day we moved into the new building.