Village Baptist Church Profile

Brief History

1968 - Village started as a mission, meeting in a house on Pointer Ridge Drive

1971 - Village constituted as an independent church, with John Woodall as pastor

1974 - Dr. Dan Ivins called as pastor

1979 - Groundbreaking for a building at the current location

1980 - Start of services in the new building

1984 - Dr. James Dunn serves as interim pastor after Dr. Ivins resigns to accept a call elsewhere

1985 - Dr. Bruce Salmon becomes pastor

1992 - Contemporary worship service added

1994 - Village joins the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

2000 - Church building burned.  Village meets at neighboring church

2002 - Village returns to a new building at the current location

2013 - Village calls Rev. Starlette Thomas as associate pastor (now interim pastor)

2017 - Dr. Bruce Salmon retires


Approximately 200 members, extremely diverse in age, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, including a significant number of immigrants, particularly from the Caribbean and Africa.

A number of members travel significant distances to come to Village (Annapolis, Gambrills, Calvert County, Eastern Shore).


Bowie is a suburban community east of Washington, D.C., in Prince George’s County, which is one of the most affluent African-American-majority counties in the United States.

Paid Staff

Full-time pastor

Part-time associate pastor (pending budget availability)

Secretary (20 hrs/week)

Choir director/organist

Early service music leader


Commission & Committee members - Support various activities

Choir members and pianist

Sunday School facilitators - Village runs a variety of classes for all ages during the Sunday School hour.


Deacons - Village deacons are servants who help the pastor.  Village uses the Deacon Family Ministry Plan, in which each deacon has a “flock” of church members to support.

Business Meeting - Village is a democracy, with quarterly business meetings used to make decisions.

Church Council - Heads of the program commissions meet monthly as the Church Council to coordinate church activities.


Budget approximately $250,000/year

Church building bonds will be paid off in 2020


Missions program:

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