Village Baptist Church
Linked here are some MP3 files from recent Village Baptist
Church worship services. The files include the special
music, scripture reading, sermon, closing hymn, and
postlude. Click HERE for some podcasts
of special services such as music programs and guest preachers.
April 22, 2018, (41 MB)
Youth Sunday: Sermon "Loves' Example"
Dec. 16, 2018, (42 MB)
Cantata "The Heart of Christmas"
Feb. 3, 2019, (32 MB) Sermon "It's
a Stretch"
Feb. 10, 2019, (20 MB) Sermon "It
Runs in the Family"
Feb. 17, 2019, (23 MB) Sermon "It
Doesn't Take Much"
Feb. 24, 2019, (32 MB) Sermon
"It's Not What It Looks Like"
March 3, 2019, (25 MB) Sermon
"Change the Subject"
March 10, 2019, (23 MB) Sermon
"Testing the Water"
March 17, 2019, (16 MB) Sermon
"Testing the Limits"
March 24, 2019, (25 MB) Sermon
"Testing God"
March 31, 2019, (20 MB) Sermon
"Don't Let the Devil Use You"
April 7, 2019, (26 MB) Sermon
"Watch the Hands"
April 14, 2019, (21 MB) Sermon
"AWorld of Difference"
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