Live B.I.G. - the New Children's Sunday School Program


Starting in Fall, 2006, Village will be using the Live B.I.G. (Belief in God) Sunday School Curriculum for children.

Do you dream of children who are excited to come to Sunday school? who come to know and love Jesus and want to live out their belief in God? who develop faith that will last a lifetime? You can bring your dream to life. With Live B.I.G., children come to Sunday school where they will . . .

     Sing, Shout, Laugh,

     Act, Dance, Create,

     Run, Jump, Fly,

     Think, Speak, Relate

             . . . their belief in God.

Dream B.I.G. and bring it to life with Live B.I.G., a DVD-based Sunday school resource designed to excite and enrich your children's spiritual lives by bringing their everyday real world experience into Sunday school.

At Village, we have Sunday School for all ages, starting at 9:45 every Sunday.

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